Friday, April 23, 2010


I would say I have about as many passions as life has to offer, but one of my biggest excitements is traveling...or just simply put, "adventure!!" Like a small boy, my adventures don't need to be all the way around the world, just a long bike ride, or a new place in my home town, and sometimes I even dream travel.
But as for this last month, I was on a tangible journey of epic proportion. Not to mention the emotional and psychological evolution. I started in beautiful San Diego (where I visit often) and headed north in my mobile(New York size) apartment.
I hit the spots along the way, stopping in LA where a parked and biked for two days seeing the city by the streets. Next came the beautiful trek up highway 1 through Big Sur where I hiked and camped for a few days. needing some rest, I visited Monterey Which is a great town, beautiful place and cool people. Rested i drove into SF for a extended stay of about a week. What a great city for inspiration observation of life. After picking up two old friends unexpectedly, the three of us then took off toward Yellowstone NP where I was planning on some rugged backpacking. When we arrived in Montana I parked for the night, and upon waking I was shocked to see the van was covered in three inches of snow and it was coming down hard...I thought and questioned it for a moment and then I said "It's a good day to die" (except in a nerdy Wis accent and with no conviction). So I did, and I don't mean die. I Was fortunate enough to be one of the first to hike YellowStone a few days before it's spring opening, which was beautiful to say the least. all and all I did 16 miles, and it wasn't so bad as far as snow. after reconnecting with my roadmates we had a celebratory soak in the "boiling river" hot spring and headed east....upon smelling cheap beer and incredibly fatty cookouts I new we were doming into Minnesota, so we stopped to get some!! Anyway, 6 hours later we were back in the land of cheese, and let me say, it's a beautiful time in my ol' WisCO! Even without all the details it was Epic, I hope to always incorporate adventures in my life, it helps me keep growing as a human.

1 comment:

Taylor S Smith said...

Very cool, thanks for sharing your adventures. You can learn a lot through reading, but sometimes those things really don't become solidified until you experience them.

Nice textures on the drawing, btw.